Interchange-Plus Pricing
0.2 %
$0.10 per transaction | $10 per month
Individual Interchange Rates for Visa | Mastercard | Discover | American Express Excluded in the monthly price above
Pricing Plans
US Processing Payments is dedicated to providing the low prices while providing you with software like Invoicing, Recurring Billing, ACH payments, and a Payments Page. Easy plugins connect to POS systems, Shopping Carts, QuickBooks and the card reader of your choice. No risk, no upfront fees, and no cancellation fees.
Does USProPay have any hidden or undisclosed fees?
What will my total cost be for taking credit cards?
The payment calculator (above) just requires a few fields and will give you accurate monthly pricing. The number calculated at the bottom will be the total monthly cost including the card brand fees.
Do I have access to a virtual terminal to key in credit cards?
Yes, this is an additional $10 per month.
Do I have to pay for PCI Compliance?
No, we do not charge for PCI compliance.
What is the process for PCI DSS?
Periodic validation of your systems.
You must take steps to validate under PCI DSS annually and quarterly the status of your
equipment, systems and networks (and their components) on which cardholder data and
sensitive authentication data are stored, processed or transmitted.
Step 1 – Enroll in a compliance program.
You must submit applicable periodic validation documentation to us. Please contact us for
more information regarding data security compliance requirements.
Step 2 – Determine merchant level and validation requirements.
Most merchant levels are based on the volume of transactions submitted by establishments.
This is a process using the PCI DSS self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) that allows self-examination of your equipment, systems, and networks (and their components) where cardholder data or sensitive authentication data (or both) are stored, processed, or transmitted.
-Ensure that the SAQ is performed by you and certified by your chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief information security officer or principal;
-Submit the AOC section of the SAQ annually to us, and include copies of the full SAQ upon request; and ensure that the AOC of the SAQ certifies compliance with all requirements of the PCI DSS.
Step 3 – Send the validation documentation to Participant.
Compliance and validation are completed at your expense. By submitting validation documentation to us, you represent and warrant to us that you are authorized to disclose the information contained in it and are providing the validation documentation without violating any other party’s rights.
Is there a cancellation fee?
No, there is no cancellation or early termination fee.
When are my funds available?
We deposit funds into your account the next day.
Will my account integrate with Quickbooks?
Yes, we have a direct integration with Quickbooks.
Merchants not compliant with PCI DSS
If you are not compliant with the PCI DSS, then you must:
• Complete and submit an AOC including “Part 4. Action Plan for Non-Compliant Status”
to us;
• Designate a remediation date, not to exceed twelve (12) months following the date of the
AOC, for achieving compliance; and
• Provide us with periodic updates of your progress toward remediation under the “Action
Plan for Non-Compliant Status.”
• The fee for PCI monitoring is $9.99/month, but invoiced quarterly
Non-validation fees and termination of right to accept cards
We have the right to impose non-validation fees on you and terminate your right to accept
cards if you do not fulfill these requirements or fails to provide the mandatory validation
documentation to us by the applicable deadline.
We will notify you separately of the applicable deadline for each annual and quarterly
reporting period. If we do not receive your mandatory validation documentation, then we
have the right to terminate your right to accept cards and to impose non-validation fees of $32.99 on you.